An approach based on the combination of the cyclic scheduling scheme, backfilling and several heuristic procedures is proposed and studied. Comparative�...
Abstract. Distributed environments with the decoupling of users from resource providers are generally termed as utility Grids.
The paper focuses on the problems of efficient scheduling in virtual organizations (VOs) of utility Grids while ensuring the the VO stakeholders preferences. An�...
This paper focuses on the problems of an efficient scheduling in virtual organizations (VOs) of utility Grids. The proposed scheduling model ensures the VO�...
Job Flow Distribution and Ranked Jobs Scheduling in Grid Virtual Organizations ... Multi-Level Job Flow Cyclic Scheduling in Grid Virtual Organizations � Author�...
This paper details a distributed system design that consists of a collaborative meta-scheduling framework, and an expanded resource model with schedulers and�...
Scheduling is the most recent topic used to achieve high performance in grid environments. It aims to find a suitable allocation of resources for each job. A�...
Heuristic strategies for preference-based scheduling in virtual organizations of utility grids � Multi-Level Job Flow Cyclic Scheduling in Grid Virtual�...
Multi-Level Job Flow Cyclic Scheduling in Grid Virtual Organizations � V ... A heuristic user job-flow scheduling approach to grid virtual organizations�...
Apr 25, 2024Multi-Level Job Flow Cyclic Scheduling in Grid Virtual Organizations. ICCS 2015: 845-854. [c15]. view. electronic edition via DOI � electronic�...