Being a general framework for modelling both linguistic and non-linguistic cognition, TTR is more suitable for the modelling of situated conversational agents�...
Modelling Language, Action, and Perception in Type Theory with Records. Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, and Staffan Larsson. Department of Philosophy, Linguistics�...
Being a general framework for modelling both linguistic and non-linguistic cognition, TTR is more suitable for the modelling of situated conversational agents�...
Modelling Language, Action, and Perception in Type Theory with Records. Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, and Staffan Larsson. Department of Philosophy, Linguistics�...
Formal models of natural language semantics using TTR (Type Theory with Records) attempt to relate natural language to perception, modelled as classification of�...
Being a general framework for modelling both linguistic and non-linguistic cognition, TTR is more suitable for the modelling of situated conversational agents�...
Jun 15, 2017Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, Staffan Larsson : Modelling Language, Action, and Perception in Type Theory with Records. CSLP 2012: 70-91.
Larsson, “Modelling language, action and perception in Type Theory with Records,” in Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Constraint Solving and�...
TTR [2,3] is a type theory with records which leads to a view of meaning which is tightly linked to perception and classification. An agent makes judgements.
Aug 21, 2015This chapter illustrates intrinsic problems for frameworks such as possible worlds semantics and typed-feature structure (TFS) -based approaches.