The result is a general- purpose learning machine, suitable for practical learning tasks, that we call the set covering machine. We present a version of the�...
The result is a general-purposed learning machine, suitable for practical learning tasks, that we call the Set Covering Machine. We present a version of the Set�...
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The result is a general- purpose learning machine, suitable for practical learning tasks, that we call the set covering machine. We present a version of the�...
The result is a generalpurpose learning machine, suitable for practical learning tasks, that we call the set covering machine. We present a version of the�...
A fast implementation of the Set Covering Machine algorithm using a dynamic programming algorithm to select the rules of greatest utility.
Mar 14, 2024A general purpose learning machine, suitable for practical learning tasks, that we call the set covering machine.
Jun 7, 2023An extension of the classical Set Covering Machine algorithm for conjunctions/disjunctions of binary-valued rules that provably avoids spurious associations.
The result is a general-purpose learning machine, suitable for practical learning tasks, that we call the set covering machine. We present a version of the�...
We design a new learning algorithm for the Set Covering Ma- chine from a PAC-Bayes perspective and propose a PAC-Bayes risk bound which is minimized for�...
Marchand, Mario and Shawe-Taylor, John (2001) Learning with the Set Covering Machine. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning,�...