The intelligent tutoring system (ITS) provides services for both learners and instructors, based on semantically annotated course material. The system can�...
Apr 22, 2024The system can generate learning tools like flashcards, guided tours, and quizzes, which can be tailored to individual learning progress.
The system can generate learning tools like flashcards, guided tours, and quizzes, which can be tailored to individual learning progress. Currently, the system�...
(2023) Learning with alea: tailored experiences through annotated course material. In KI-bildung, Lecture Notes in Informatics. External Links: Link Cited by:�...
The intelligent tutoring system (ITS) provides services for both learners and instructors, based on semantically annotated course material. The system can�...
“Learning with ALeA: Tailored experiences through annotated course ma- terial”. In: Lecture Notes in Informatics. in press. Gesellschaft f�r Infor- matik�...
Learning with ALeA: Tailored experiences through annotated course material. GI-Jahrestagung 2023: 395-398. [c4]. view. electronic edition via DOI � unpaywalled�...
Learning with ALeA: Tailored experiences through annotated course material � Learning Support Systems Based on Mathematical Knowledge Management.
M�ller (2023) Learning with alea: tailored experiences through annotated course material. In KI-bildung, Lecture Notes in Informatics. External Links: Link�...
Learning with ALeA: Tailored experiences through annotated course material. T Kruse, M Berges, J Betzendahl, M Kohlhase, D Lohr, D M�ller. 3, 2023.