A set of graphs or directed graphs is said to be independent if no two of them have any common vertices. Corra┬di and Hajnal [3] investigated the maximum�...
If D is a directed graph of order n≥3 with , then D contains independent directed triangles. Moreover, the condition on the minimum degree is sharp in�...
Title. Independent directed triangles in a directed graph ; Creators. Hong Wang ; Publication Details. Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol.16(4), pp.453-462.
Jun 2, 2019First, choose a vertex v and let k be the number of ingoing edges on v. Then the number of 2-paths with v as the middle vertex is k(n−1−k).
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If D is a directed graph of order n≥3 with , then D contains independent directed triangles. Moreover, the condition on the minimum degree is sharp in�...
Dec 31, 2023Suppose we have a directed complete graph. Can we always find a subset S≠∅ of the vertices such that for every vertex v, v has incoming edge�...
May 22, 2017Every directed graph G has an independent set S such that any other vertex in G can be reached with a directed path of length ≤2 from a vertex in S.
Missing: Triangles | Show results with:Triangles
Sep 13, 2011If you have an adjacency matrix A the number of triangles should be tr(A^3)/6, in other words, 1/6 times the sum of the diagonal elements (the�...
For directed graphs, there are three types of edges: out- ward, inward, and bidirectional. The number of outward, inward, and bidirectional edges incident to�...
We obtain a directed graph D' with n' := nl vertices, such that each vertex has indegree and outdegree at least n'/t, and such that D' has no directed triangle.
Missing: Independent | Show results with:Independent