Abstract—Recent advances in mechanical techniques for systematic testing have increased our ability to automatically find subtle bugs,.
Apr 29, 2010This paper builds on one such systematic technique, scope-bounded testing, to develop a novel specification-based approach for efficiently generating tests for�...
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Jan 4, 2023This paper proposes an incremental model-based approach to test products in SPLs. The proposed approach utilizes event-based behavioral models of the SPL�...
We present a novel specification-based approach for generating tests for products in a software product line. Given properties of features as first-order�...
This paper builds on one such systematic technique, scope-bounded testing, to develop a novel specification-based approach for efficiently generating tests for�...
This paper presents a novel approach for efficienttest generation by combining ideas from softwareproduct lines and specification-based testing using Alloy.
We present a novel specification-based approach for generating tests for products in a software product line. Given properties of features as first-order logic�...
Dec 22, 2023In summary, this article provides a new and promising perspective on the test suite generation for SPLs. 1 Introduction. A Software Product Line�...
This work presents a novel specification-based approach for generating tests for products in a software product line that uses SAT-based analysis and�...
ABSTRACT One way of developing fast, effective, and high-quality software products is to reuse previously developed software components and products.