The combination of device speed (f/sub T/, f/sub max/ > 150 GHz) and breakdown voltage (V/sub bceo/ > 8 V) makes the double heterojunction bipolar InP-bas.
150 GHz) and breakdown voltage ( bceo. 8 V) makes the double heterojunction bipolar InP-based transistor (D-HBT) an attractive technology to implement the�...
Nov 14, 2013The combination of device speed (fT, fmax > 150 GHz) and breakdown voltage (Vbceo > 8 V) makes the double heterojunction bipolar InP-based�...
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Dive into the research topics of 'InP D-HBT ICs for 40-Gb/s and higher bitrate lightwave transceivers'. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
InP D-HBT ICs for 40-Gb/s and higher bitrate lightwave transceivers. October 2002; IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 2(9):1152 - 1159. 2(9):1152 - 1159. DOI�...
For 40-Gb/s driver applications, the only devices that have so far demonstrated the requisite characteristics are GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility�...
Sep 1, 2002Baeyens Y. et al. InP D-HBT ICs for 40-Gb/s and higher bitrate lightwave transceivers // IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 2002. Vol. 2. No.
Abstract. — In this paper, we report the achieved performance of devices and integrated circuits (ICs) using a manufacturable InP DHBT-based technology.
The design and performance of an InGaAs/InP transimpedance amplifier and post amplifier for 40 Gb/s receiver applications are presented. We fabricated the.