Dec 1, 2013In this paper, we propose a computational image analysis approach guided by the knowledge of expert pathologists in identifying essential distinguishing�...
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Feb 24, 2023Both complete and partial hydatidiform moles are associated with increased risk of development of malignant gestational trophoblastic tumours,�...
Both complete and partial hydatidiform moles are associated with increased risk of development of malignant gestational trophoblastic tumours, the risk being�...
Introduction, Molar pregnancy is a term that describes disorders of the villous anatomy which includes pathological anomalies of trophoblast development. The�...
Palee, Patison, SHARP, Bernadette, NORIEGA, Len, Sebire, N.J. and Platt, Craig (2013) Image analysis of histological features in molar pregnancies.
Work up of a molar pregnancy includes obtaining a chest radiograph, a complete blood count, liver panel, thyroid function tests, coagulation studies, blood type�...
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Assessment of the role of histopathology and DNAimage analysis in the diagnosis of molar and non-molar abortion: a study of 89 cases in the center of Tunisia.
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Apr 28, 2023Ultrasonography is the imaging investigation of choice (see the images below) to confirm the diagnosis of hydatidiform mole.
Aug 5, 2024The classic image, using older ultrasonographic technology, is of a snowstorm pattern representing the hydropic chorionic villi.
Conclusion: The ultrasound is a reliable non-invasive first-line imaging modality for the diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic diseases and had an accuracy of�...