Intelligent vehicles offer hope for a world in which crashes are rare, congestion is reduced, carbon emissions are decreased, and mobility is extended to a�...
Abstract—Intelligent vehicles offer hope for a world in which crashes are rare, congestion is reduced, carbon emissions are de-.
Humans are notoriously bad at vigilance tasks, and can quickly lose situation awareness. Moreover, even if vigilant, the driver needs to interact with the�...
Feb 20, 2023In an accident, any autonomous vehicle would do it's best to avoid the accident, but would otherwise try for the minimum damage to the vehicle,�...
Humans and Intelligent Vehicles: The Hope, the. Help, and the Harm. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 1(1). Singh, S. (2015, February). Critical�...
... Humans and intelligent vehicles: the hope, the help, and the harm. IEEE Trans Intell Veh 1(1):56-67. Google Scholar. [27]. Gaidon A, Wang Q, Cabon Y, Vig E�...
Sep 27, 2021The obvious answer is that orcas are extremely intelligent and are aware of how dangerous humans can be with our technological advances.
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Aug 28, 2024To avoid hitting pedestrians, autonomous vehicles use an array of AI-enabled features: perception, classification, prediction, path planning.
By far the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it. Of course this problem is not limited to�...
Is it true that artificial intelligence will do more harm than good? Proponents say it will help us solve problems like climate change and world hunger�...