Mar 5, 2016With this game, we test the following hypotheses: (1) Humans will achieve and maintain higher levels of trust when interacting with what they�...
Introduction. Trust and cooperation are fundamental to human interac- tions. How much we trust other people directly influences.
Mathur, M. B., and Reichling, D. B. 2009. An uncanny game of trust: social trustworthiness of robots inferred from subtle anthropomorphic facial cues. In Proc.
With this game, we test the following hypotheses: (1) Humans will achieve and maintain higher levels of trust when interacting with what they believe to be a�...
With this game, we test the following hypotheses: (1) Humans will achieve and maintain higher levels of trust when interacting with what they believe to be a�...
Nov 12, 2021Human-robot interaction and game theory have developed distinct theories of trust for over three decades in relative isolation from one another.
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Apr 27, 2024In this paper, we propose a framework to analyze the interactive behaviors of humans and robots in physical interactions. Game theory is�...
Abstract. Trust plays a key role in social interactions, particularly when the decisions we make depend on the people we face. In this paper, we use game�...
Investigating 70 participants' situational cooperation tendencies towards a robot using prisoner's dilemma games showed incentive structure did not predict�...
Missing: Theoretic Framework.
interaction in a game-theoretic framework of trust motivated by [12]. In our case, the robot is unaware of the human's exact model MR. H , but has knowledge�...