This challenge is a novel two-tracked contest to explore the meaning and limitations of data privacy, and first ran as part of the NeurIPS 2020 competition�...
The NeurIPS 2020 Hide-and-Seek Privacy Challenge was a novel two-tracked competition to simultaneously accelerate progress in tackling both problems. In our�...
Jul 23, 2020The NeurIPS 2020 Hide-and-Seek Privacy Challenge is a novel two-tracked competition to simultaneously accelerate progress in tackling both problems.
From the privacy perspective, the model should prevent patient re-identification by limiting vulnerability to membership inference attacks. The NeurIPS 2020�...
This work seeks to advance generative techniques for dense and high-dimensional temporal data streams that are clinically meaningful in terms of fidelity�...
Intro in. Workshop: Competition Track Friday. Introducing the Hide-and-Seek privacy challenge. James Jordon. Abstract: Chat is not available.
May 21, 2020The NeurIPS 2020 Hide-and-Seek Privacy Challenge is a novel two-tracked competition, pitting synthetic data generation and patient re-�...
In this Hide-and-Seek Privacy Challenge, several teams compete against each other in two tracks: hiders and seekers. Teams that are joining as hiders must�...
Jul 27, 2020The hide-and-seek challenge explores the meaning and limitations of privacy, offering participants a chance to develop and test synthetic data techniques.
Hide-and-Seek Challenge The NeurIPS 2020 Hide-and-Seek Privacy Challenge1 was a novel two-tracked competition to simultaneously accelerate progress in�...