Aug 9, 2019In this paper, we investigate two techniques for group-wise pruning during training in order to improve network efficiency.
In this paper, we investigate two techniques for group-wise pruning during training in order to improve network efficiency. We propose a gating factor after�...
Oct 25, 2019We investigate the effect of group pruning using bounded norms for group gating and regularization on different network architectures (LeNet5,�...
Aug 9, 2019A gating factor after every convolutional layer to induce channel level sparsity, encouraging insignificant channels to become exactly zero�...
In this paper, we investigate two techniques for group-wise pruning during training in order to improve network efficiency. We propose a gating factor after�...
In this paper, we investigate two techniques for group-wise pruning during training in order to improve network efficiency. We propose a gating factor after�...
Bibliographic details on Group Pruning using a Bounded-Lp norm for Group Gating and Regularization.
In this paper, a novel smooth group L1/2 (SGL1/2) regularization method is proposed for pruning hidden nodes of the fully connected layer in convolution�...
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Group pruning using a bounded lp norm for group gating and regularization Paper mummadi_gcpr19.pdf. C. Mummadi, T. Genewein, D. Zhang, Thomas Brox, V�...
Group Pruning using a Bounded-Lp norm for Group Gating and Regularization � no ... We achieve state-of-the-art pruning results for ResNet-50 with higher accuracy�...