This paper describes a general and powerful method for automatically generating incremental implementations of high-level queries over objects and sets in�...
Oct 23, 2008Abstract. High-level query constructs help greatly improve the clarity of pro- grams and the productivity of programmers, and are being�...
For efficient computation in practical applications, a powerful method is needed to incrementally maintain query results with respect to updates to query�...
May 13, 2024Steps for Implementing Incremental Loading � 1. Create Source and Target tables as shown below. � 2. Create Stream object on top of Source table�...
This dissertation describes a general and powerful method for automatically generating incremental implementations of high-level queries in object-oriented�...
We present an approach to handle incremental materialization of object-oriented views. Queries that define views are implemented as methods that are invoked�...
automatically generating incremental implementations of high-level queries over objects and sets in object-oriented programs, where a query may contain�...
Incremental generators are a new API that replaces v1 source generators to allow users to specify generation strategies that can be applied in a high�...
We present an incremental computation algorithm that can handle any kind of database updates, can accept any expressions in complex query languages such as OQL,�...
Jul 25, 2017This post will walk through the implementation of a type of stream data processing that uses incremental queries to generate intermediate tables�...