The ranking metric can be defined as a specific test by correlating gate-level activity with a leakage model, or else as a non-specific test by evaluating gate�...
Apr 25, 2022We present a methodology to rank the gates of a design according to their contribution to the side-channel leakage of the chip.
Next, we perform architecture correlation. Since there are. 128 bits of state, there are 128 different leakage models to consider using architecture correlation�...
Our methodology, Architecture Correlation Analysis, uses a leakage model, well known from differential side-channel analysis techniques, to rank the cells�...
By employing ACA, researchers successfully pinpoint sources of side-channel leakage at both the gate level within the AES module and within the overarching SoC�...
Dec 7, 2020The methodology, Architecture Correlation Analysis, uses a leakage model, well known from differential side-channel analysis techniques,�...
Apr 23, 2021PACA first ranks the individual cells in a design netlist according to their contribution to the estimated side-channel leakage and points out�...
Pre-silicon architecture correlation analysis (PACA): Identifying and mitigating the source of side-channel leakage at gate-level. Y Yao, T Tufan, T Kathuria, B�...
We present a methodology to rank the gates of a design according to their contribution to the side-channel leakage of the chip. The methodology relies on logic�...
The ranking process of ACA will attribute a higher LIF (Leakage Impact Factor) to gates with a higher t-value or with a higher correlation value [KYL+22]. 3�...