This paper proposes a method of gamut estimation using data segmentation and 2D surface splines. The device data is first segmented into hue intervals,�...
This paper proposes a method of gamut estimation using data segmentation and 2D surface splines. The device data is first segmented into hue intervals,�...
This paper proposes a method of gamut estimation using data segmentation and 2D surface splines. The device data is first segmented into hue intervals,�...
Use MATLAB build-in function 'csaps' to calculate boundary. Mark Shaw's paper. 'Gamut Estimation using 2D Surface Splines'. Page 40. HP-Purdue Confidential.
This paper proposes a method of gamut estimation using data segmentation and 2D surface splines. The device data is first segmented into hue intervals, and then�...
Gamut Boundaries for Gamut Mapping, Color Research and. Application, 25:394–401. 5. Shaw M. (2006) Gamut estimation using 2D surface splines,. Proceedings of�...
Figure 1: A spectrally rendered scene with standard RGB to spectrum upsampling (left) cannot achieve reflectance spectra with arbitrary.
The invention provides a method for representing a device color gamut as a detail directed hierarchical distance field. A distance field representing the�...
Abstract—This paper introduces a novel photometric compensation technique for inter-projector luminance and chrominance variations.
A gamut mapping method, spring-primary gamut mapping, was developed for device to device color mapping. Instead of performing gamut mapping point-wisely, it�...