Aug 21, 2012This letter introduces a kind of algebraic fractal model-Paretian Poisson process to the field of sea spike modeling and target detection.
Oct 22, 2012Abstract—This letter introduces a kind of algebraic fractal model–Paretian Poisson process to the field of sea spike model- ing and target�...
This letter introduces a kind of algebraic fractal model-Paretian Poisson process to the field of sea spike modeling and target detection.
This letter introduces a kind of algebraic fractal model-Paretian Poisson process to the field of sea spike modeling and target detection.
This letter introduces a kind of algebraic fractal model-Paretian Poisson process to the field of sea spike modeling and target detection.
Bibliographic details on Fractal Poisson Model for Target Detection Within Spiky Sea Clutter.
Sea clutter is the backscattered returns from a patch of the sea surface illuminated by a radar pulse. Accurate modelling of sea clutter and robust�...
Abstract. This letter introduces a kind of algebraic fractal model-Paretian Poisson process to the field of sea spike modeling and target detection.
Fractal method provides an alternative framework to describe the features of the sea clutter [8] and an effective way to detect target [9] . Fluctuation�...
Accurate modeling of sea clutter and robust detection of low observable targets within sea clutter are important problems in remote sensing and radar signal�...
Missing: Poisson Spiky