Jun 5, 2019This paper examines the dynamic consumption behavior of individual mobile data users by employing a unique data set on individual-level daily usage over�...
Dec 20, 2014We develop a dynamic structural model in which an individual user maximizes her data usage utility considering the intertemporal trade-off between current and�...
Aug 24, 2020A Dynamic Structural Model ... The ability to identify individual forward-looking consumers and then design targeted promotions especially for�...
Our structural model is shown to accurately capture the dynamic trends observed in the actual usage data. It enables sophisticated counterfactual simulations�...
Forward-Looking Behavior in Mobile Data Consumption and. Targeted Promotion Design: A Dynamic Structural Model. Lizhen Xu,a Jason A. Duan,b Yu Jeffrey Hu,a�...
This paper examines the dynamic consumption behavior of individual mobile data users by employing a unique data set on individual-level daily usage over�...
Forward-Looking Behavior in Mobile Data Consumption and Targeted Promotion Design: A Dynamic Structural. Model. ∗. Lizhen Xu. Scheller College of Business�...
Publications (3). Forward-Looking Behavior in Mobile Data Consumption and Targeted Promotion Design: A Dynamic Structural Model � Article. June 2019. �.
Forward-Looking Behavior in Mobile Data Consumption and Targeted Promotion Design: A Dynamic Structural Model. L Xu, JA Duan, YJ Hu, Y Cheng, Y Zhu.
Apr 25, 2024Forward-Looking Behavior in Mobile Data Consumption and Targeted Promotion Design: A Dynamic Structural Model. Inf. Syst. Res. 30(2): 616�...
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