Oct 7, 2013This paper provides an introduces the Systematic Method for software Architecture Recovery (SyMAR) and discusses some experiences in�...
This paper provides an introduces the Systematic Method for software Architecture Recovery (SyMAR) and discusses some experiences in applying the method to�...
When applying the Systematic Method for software Architecture Recovery (SyMAR) to a large industrial case study, it is found that the method does assist in�...
This paper introduces the Systematic Method for Software Architecture Recovery (SyMAR). SyMAR is an inspection method used to recover a software architecture�...
3 SyMAR. The Systematic Method for software Architecture Re- covery (SyMAR) guides software architects through a manual recovery of a software architecture�...
This paper provides an introduces the Systematic Method for software Architecture Recovery (SyMAR) and discusses some experiences in applying the method to�...
6 CONCLUSIONS The Systematic Method for Architecture Recovery is able to provide useful architectural descriptions with moderate effort for software systems�...
Apr 29, 2015Experiences with using the systematic method for architecture recovery (SyMAR). SAICSIT '13: Proceedings of the South African Institute for�...
Experiences with using the systematic method for architecture recovery (SyMAR). F Solms. Proceedings of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists�...
Experiences with using the systematic method for architecture recovery (SyMAR). F Solms. Proceedings of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists�...