Abstract: Video streaming provided by Over-The-Top (OTT) service providers through a cellular network is a common usage scenario for many people today.
Abstract—Video streaming provided by Over-The-Top (OTT) service providers through a cellular network is a common usage scenario for many people today.
Figure 2: HAS scenario with and without context awareness. Enriching HTTP adaptive streaming with context awareness: A tunnel case study. Conference Paper.
Bridging the Gap Between QoE and User Engagement in HTTP Video Streaming ... Enriching HTTP adaptive streaming with context awareness: A tunnel case study.
May 25, 2018Particularly, we study how context awareness can be combined with the adaptive streaming logic to design a proactive client-based video�...
Enriching HTTP adaptive streaming with context awareness: A tunnel case study. E Liotou, T Ho�feld, C Moldovan, F Metzger, D Tsolkas, N Passas.
Nov 9, 2016Enriching HTTP adaptive streaming with context awareness: a tunnel case study. Communications (ICC), 2016 IEEE International Conference on.
Enriching HTTP adaptive streaming with context awareness: A tunnel case study. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications�...
Enriching http adaptive streaming with context awareness: A tunnel case study. E Liotou; T Hobfeld; C Moldovan; F Metzger; D Tsolkas; N Passas. ITEC - Dynamic�...
May 24, 2017Metzger, D. Tsolkas, and. N. Passas, “Enriching http adaptive streaming with context awareness: A tunnel case study,” May 2016, pp�...