Sep 25, 2009Directed explicit state-space search algorithms explore the state space on-the-fly, which makes our method very efficient and highly scalable.
Directed explicit state-space search algorithms explore the state space on-the-fly, which makes our method very efficient and highly scalable. They can also be�...
Directed explicit state-space search algorithms explore the state space on-the-fly, which makes our method very efficient and highly scalable. They can also be�...
Counterexamples provided by our method have two important properties. First, they include those traces which contribute the greatest amount of probability to�...
Directed Explicit State-Space Search in the Generation of Counterexamples for Stochastic Model Checking. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 36(1)�...
We present the explicit state model checker HSF-SPIN which is based on the model checker SPIN and its Promela modeling language. HSF-SPIN incorporates�...
Directed explicit state-space search in the generation of counterexamples for stochastic model checking. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2009�...
Aljazzar, H., Leue, S.: Directed explicit state-space search in the generation of counterexamples for stochastic model checking. IEEE Transactions on�...
Directed explicit state-space search in the generation of counterexamples for stochastic model checking. IEEE Transactions on. Software Engineering, 2009�...
Aug 31, 2021The heuristic Genetic algorithm is firstly proposed to generate a counterexample for the probabilistic model checking MDP model of MCPSs.