Feb 10, 2017We propose a novel estimator based on local likelihood density estimators, that mitigates the boundary biases.
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Feb 10, 2017Abstract. Estimating expected polynomials of density functions from samples is a basic problem with numerous applications in statistics and�...
This work proposes a novel estimator based on local likelihood density estimators, that mitigates the boundary biases and provides a simple debiasing scheme�...
Estimating expected polynomials of density functions from samples is a basic problem with numerous applications in statistics and information theory.
Let Rk(x) denotes the distance from x to its k-th nearest neighbor point. For a given point x, the kNN density estimator estimates the density by bpknn(x) = k n.
Apr 8, 2019The KNN model is defined by allowing a sphere to expand around a given point x until it contains exactly K other points.
Fingerprint. Dive into the research topics of 'Density functional estimators with k-nearest neighbor bandwidths'. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
The K nearest neighbour distance could be used as a locally adapted bandwidth for intensity estimation. This method is called the k-nearest neighbour kernel�...
The kernel method [1, 12] estimates the density by calculating the convolution of the empirical distribution with a symmetric and normalized kernel function.
We prove finite sample bounds for k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) density estimation, and subsequently apply these bounds to the related problem of mode�...