Mar 23, 2019In this work we describe a BMI system using electrodes implanted in the parietal lobe of a tetraplegic subject. Neural data used for the�...
Sep 3, 2024Connected Papers is a visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find academic papers relevant to their field of work.
May 19, 2023Results suggest that CNNs are effective candidates to realize neural decoders for invasive BCIs in humans from PPC recordings also reducing BCI�...
Here we will review the latest developments in human motor decoding. We reviewed the various strategies to decode motor intention from human and their�...
Jul 1, 2024Applying HMMs to spiking activity recorded from the somato-motor parietal area PE revealed discrete neural states related to reaching movements.
Oct 17, 2024In this perspective, we detail important concepts of neural encoding and decoding and highlight the mathematical tools used to measure them,�...
Abstract: This work presents a spiking neural network for predicting kinematics from neural data towards accurate and energy-efficient brain machine�...
Motor decoding is crucial to translate the neural activity for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and provides information on how motor states are encoded in the�...
Nov 10, 2022Abstract—This work presents a spiking neural network for predicting kinematics from neural data towards accurate.
Neural decoding is an important tool for understanding how neural activity relates to the outside world and for engineering applications such as brain-machine�...