Apr 25, 2008The DECA ensures that the evolutionary search is confined to those regions of the search space where the solutions to hard instances are likely�...
In task control, evolutionary optimisation tends to favour controllers that solve the easier task instances but that fail to solve the harder ones.
Apr 25, 2008The experimental results show DECA to generate controllers that can solve both the easy and hard instances of both task-control problems. We�...
The experimental results show DECA to generate controllers that can solve both the easy and hard instances of both task-control problems.
The experimental results show DECA to generate controllers that can solve both the easy and hard instances of both task-control problems. We discuss the results�...
The effectiveness of DECA is assessed on two task-control problems: a box-pushing task and a food-gathering task. The experimental results show DECA to generate�...
PDF hosted at the Radboud Repository of the Radboud University Nijmegen The following full text is a publisher's version. For additional information about�...
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