This work investigates whether cross-lingual trans- fer learning works for dependency parsing tasks of a low-resource language, Javanese. The result shows that the cross-lingual transfer learning model is significantly better than the baseline model.
Jan 22, 2024This study focuses on assessing the efficacy of transfer learning in enhancing dependency parsing for Javanese, a language spoken by 80 million�...
This study focuses on assessing the efficacy of transfer learning in enhancing dependency parsing for Javanese-a language spoken by 80 million individuals but�...
Jan 22, 2024Cross-lingual Transfer Learning for Javanese Dependency Parsing. Fadli Aulawi Al Ghiffari, Ika Alfina, and Kurniawati Azizah. Faculty of�...
This research aims to develop a dependency parser for Indonesian using cross-lingual transfer learning. The dependency parser uses a Transformer as the�...
Missing: Javanese | Show results with:Javanese
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The cross-lingual parsing approaches for dependency parsing may be broadly classified into three categories: model transfer, annotation projection, and treebank�...
Missing: Javanese | Show results with:Javanese
Jan 22, 2024Cross-lingual Transfer Learning for Javanese Dependency Parsing ... While TL only uses a source language to pre-train the model, the HTL method�...
Sep 4, 2024investigated the use of cross-lingual transfer learning for Javanese POS tagging. ... used to do the same task in another language (i.e. target�...
This study focuses on assessing the efficacy of transfer learning in enhancing dependency parsing for Javanese-a language spoken by 80 million individuals but�...
In this article, we propose novel methods for using language-specific subnetworks, which control cross-lingual parameter sharing, to reduce conflicts and�...
Missing: Javanese | Show results with:Javanese