Nov 21, 2019This article proposes a novel methodology to detect malicious uniform resource locators (URLs) using simulated expert (SE) and�...
This study proposes a novel methodology to detect malicious URLs using simulated expert (SE) and knowledge base system (KBS). The proposed study not only�...
A novel methodology to detect malicious uniform resource locators (URLs) using simulated expert (SE) and knowledge-base system (KBS) is proposed and NB�...
Feb 6, 2024This study proposes a novel methodology to detect malicious URLs using simulated expert (SE) and knowledge base system (KBS). The proposed�...
May 12, 2020Abstract—This article proposes a novel methodology to detect malicious uniform resource locators (URLs) using simulated expert (SE) and�...
This article proposes a novel methodology to detect malicious uniform resource locators (URLs) using simulated expert (SE) and knowledge-base system (KBS).
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