The present work merges assumptions from three memory models, MINERVA 2 (Hintzman, 1984), the instance theory of semantics (ITS, Jamieson et al., 2018) and the�...
We show that additional en-coding and retrieval operations, consistent with learning andmemory theory, can play a crucial role in flexibly controllingthe�...
By simulation, we show that additional encoding and retrieval operations, consistent with learning and memory theory, can play a crucial role in flexibly�...
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Crump et al. Controlling the retrieval of general versus specific semantic knowledge in the instance theory of semantic memory. Proceedings of the 42nd�...
Controlling the retrieval of general vs specific semantic knowledge in the instancetheory of semantic memory ... More recently, the instance theory of semantics�...
Semantic memory refers to retrieval of general information or acquired knowledge without the specific details about when and where the information was acquired.
These results indicate that retrieval of perceptual knowledge relies on brain regions used to mediate sensory experiences with the referenced objects.
In this chapter, we review contemporary research in semantic memory. Our discussion is restricted to the meaning of individual words.
Our semantic memory consists of knowledge about the world, including concepts, facts, and beliefs. This knowledge is essential for recognizing entities and�...
Nov 18, 2015Semantic retrieval involves both (1) automatic spreading activation between highly related concepts and (2) executive control processes that�...
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