Abstract. Girth pairs were introduced by Harary and Kov�cs [Regular graphs with given girth pair, J. Graph Theory 7 (1983) 209–218].
Jan 28, 2007In this paper we prove that a graph with girth pair ( g , h ) such that g is odd and h ⩾ g + 3 is even has high (vertex-)connectivity if its�...
Let g denote the smaller of the odd and even girths, and let h denote the larger. Then (g,h) is called the girth pair of the graph. In this paper we prove that�...
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In this paper, several sufficient conditions yielding κ1(G)⩾ξ(G)κ1(G)⩾ξ(G) are given, improving a previous related result by Fiol et al. [Short paths and�...
In this paper, we show that for any given two positive integers g and k with g⩾3, there exists a graph (digraph) G with girth g and connectivity k.
Video for Connectivity of graphs with given girth pair.
Sep 28, 2022We look at how to find the girth of a graph using BFS and the directed girth of a digraph using ...
Duration: 14:26
Posted: Sep 28, 2022
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We consider both graphs and digraphs. Loops and multiple edges are not allowed. Let G be a graph (or digraph) with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G)(D(G)).
Jan 3, 2020Title:Connectivity and eigenvalues of graphs with given girth or clique number. Authors:Zhen-Mu Hong, Hong-Jian Lai, Zheng-Jiang Xia. Download�...
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Connectivity of graphs with given girth pair. C. Balbuena, M. Cera, A. Di�nez, P. Garc�a-V�zquez, and X. Marcote. Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2): 155-162 (2007 ).
The girth pair of a graph gives the length of a shortest odd and a shortest even cycle. The existence of regular graphs with given degree and girth pair is�...