This paper presents techniques exploring the lockdown of instruction caches at compile-time to minimize WCETs. In contrast to the current state of the art in�...
Oct 3, 2007ABSTRACT. Caches are notorious for their unpredictability. It is difficult or even impossible to predict if a memory access results in.
Techniques exploring the lockdown of instruction caches at compile-time to minimize WCETs are presented, which explicitly take the worst-case execution path�...
It uses an EFG (Execution Flow Graph) to model the possible execution paths, and selects the instructions on the current longest path with the largest benefit�...
Applications in embedded systems often need to meet specified timing constraints. It is advantageous to not only calculate the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET)�...
Compile-Time Decided Instruction Cache Locking Using Worst-Cae Execution Paths � Influence of static Cache Locking on Worst-Case Execution Times (in German).
Compile-time decided instruction cache locking using worst-case execution paths. In CODES+ISSS '07: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE/ACM in- ternational�...
Compile-time decided instruction cache locking using worst-case execution paths. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Hardware�...
In this paper, we propose an ILP-based method to select the best lines to be loaded and locked into the instruction cache at each context switch (dynamic�...
Dynamic Data-Cache Locking for Minimizing the WCET of a Single Task � Compile-time decided instruction cache locking using worst-case execution paths � Low-�...