Jun 21, 2020A set of novel protocols to efficiently and securely convert back and forth between different MPC schemes for GAS; this process is often called share�...
Sep 7, 2020A set of new protocols to efficiently and securely convert back and forth between different MPC schemes for GAS; this process is often called share conversion.
Proactive security assumes that at each (well defined) period of time the adversary corrupts different parties and may visit the entire system overtime and�...
Communication-Efficient (Proactive) Secure Computation for Dynamic General Adversary Structures and Dynamic. Groups. Karim Eldefrawy1, Seoyeon Hwang2, Rafail�...
Communication-Efficient Proactive Secure Computation for. Dynamic General Adversary Structures and Dynamic Groups. Seoyeon Hwang1, Karim Eldefrawy2, Rafail�...
This work considers e ffi cient secure multiparty computation (MPC) under such dynamically-changing GAS settings as to protect against and during corruption�...
Jul 21, 2020Communication-Efficient (Proactive) Secure Computation for Dynamic General Adversary Structures and Dynamic Groups. September 2020. Conference�...
Sep 14, 2020Computer Security. Chapter. Communication-Efficient (Proactive) Secure Computation for Dynamic General Adversary Structures and Dynamic Groups.
Communication-Efficient (Proactive) Secure Computation for Dynamic General Adversary Structures and Dynamic Groups. by Karim Eldefrawy. 2020, Lecture Notes in�...
Jun 30, 2020Bibliographic details on Communication-Efficient (Proactive) Secure Computation for Dynamic General Adversary Structures and Dynamic Groups.