Chromatic Bounds on Orbital Chromatic Roots. Chromatic Bounds on Orbital Chromatic Roots. Dae Hyun Kim Supported by Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships�...
Oct 14, 2013Title:Chromatic Bounds On Orbital Chromatic Roots. Authors:Dae Hyun Kim, Alexander H. Mun, Mohamed Omar. View a PDF of the paper titled�...
Oct 23, 2014We additionally begin the program of finding classes of graphs whose orbital chromatic polynomials have real roots bounded above by the largest�...
Abstract. Given a group G of automorphisms of a graph Γ, the orbital chromatic polyno- mial OPΓ,G(x) is the polynomial whose value at a positive integer k�...
The real roots of the orbital chromatic polynomial of any graph are bounded above by the largest real root of its chromatic polynomial.
This work begins the program of finding classes of graphs whose orbital chromatic polynomials have real roots bounded above by the largest real root of�...
Sep 9, 2014CHROMATIC BOUNDS ON ORBITAL CHROMATIC ROOTS. 3 chromatic and orbital chromatic polynomials in the first place. In this light, we uncover a.
Abstract.We exhibit infinite families of planar triangulations with real chromatic roots arbitrarily close to 4, thus resolving a long-standing conjecture in�...
We additionally begin the program of finding classes of graphs whose orbital chromatic polynomials have real roots bounded above by the largest real root of�...
It is known that there are intervals of R containing no chromatic roots. We show first that no such result holds for orbital chromatic roots in general, and.