A content-aware guidance network for salient object detection is introduced. The diverse recognition abilities of multi-level features are exploited to guide�...
Nov 29, 2019We propose a Feature Guide Network which exploits the nature of low-level and high-level features to i) make foreground and background regions more distinct.
This repository contains the Tensorflow implementation of our paper "CAGNet: Content-Aware Guidance for Salient Object Detection".
Salient object detection aims at localizing the most interesting and prominent parts of an image. Moreover, it is an effective pre-processing step for numerous�...
This work proposes leveraging on the extraction of finer semantic features from multiple encoding layers and attentively re-utilize it in the generation of�...
This repository contains measures for evaluating salient object detection models in python. Requirements Usage Simply import calculate_measures.
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Saliency Detection is a preprocessing step in computer vision which aims at finding salient objects in an image.
The overall architecture of our proposed Content-Aware Guidance Network (CAGNet). CAGNet consists of three networks: (i) Feature Extraction Network which�...
Apr 17, 2024We propose a sophisticated context-aware middle-layer guidance network (CMGNet). CMGNet incorporates the context-aware central-layer guidance module (CCGM).
CAGNet: Content-Aware Guidance for Salient Object Detection ... Beneficial from Fully Convolutional Neural Networks (FCNs), saliency detection methods have�...