The antenna booster element is a compact, non-resonant component fabricated on FR4 material with dimensions of 30 mm � 3 mm � 1 mm (height). Integrating a�...
The escalating demand for versatile wireless devices has fostered the need to reduce the antenna footprint to support the integration of�...
This procedure opens the window to facilitate the design of tunable antenna solutions systems for IoT designers requiring a multiband operation. Published in:�...
May 18, 2024This work aims to address this challenge by focusing on the optimization of an antenna booster element to achieve multiband performance,�...
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Jan 29, 2024This design approach is easier, faster, and simpler than creating a new antenna for every device. Additionally, the reconfigurable matching�...
We're happy to share an insightful research article authored by our colleagues at Ignion Elena G., Aurora And�jar Linares, Jaume Anguera and collaborators�...
This chapter introduces Antenna Booster Technology for wireless devices requiring a multiband operation. The term multiband refers here to frequency bands�...
This element comprises two ports, the RF port and Port 1, introducing a level of flexibility into the design.
Antenna Booster Element and an SP4T Reconfigurable Architecture for Multiple Platforms for Multiband Operation in IoT Devices. Elena Garcia, Aurora Andujar�...
Dive into the research topics of 'Reconfigurable Antenna Booster Element for Multiband Operation in IoT Devices with an SP4T'. Together they form a unique�...