Based on the VPGA and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms, a novel PSO-GA-based hybrid algorithm (PGHA) is also proposed in this paper. Simulation�...
Based on the VPGA and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms, this paper also proposes a novel hybrid approach called PSO-GA based hybrid evolutionary�...
Based on the VPGA and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms, a novel PSO-GA-based hybrid algorithm (PGHA) is also proposed in this paper. Simulation�...
In this paper an improved particle swarm algorithm is presented firstly and then a hybrid method combining Genetic Algorithm(GA) and Particle Swarm�...
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TL;DR: An improved particle swarm optimization algorithm (IPSO) to improve the performance of standard PSO, which uses the dynamic inertia weight that decreases�...
Lu and L. M. Wang, “An improved GA and a novel PSO-GA-based hybrid algorithm, Information Processing Letters, vol. 93, (2005), pp. 255–261. [27] G. Păun�...
Sep 4, 2024Comparing optimization algorithms, PSO and PGHA show reliability with a 100% success rate. However, PGHA excels in efficiency, completing tasks�...
A novel hybrid evolutionary algorithm is developed based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithms (GAs) that is excellent in searching�...
A particle swarm optimizer with passive congregation. � An improved GA and a novel PSO-GA-based hybrid algorithm � Particle swarm optimization in electromagnetics.
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... An improved GA and a novel PSO-GA-based hybrid algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett.93, 255–261 (2005). [21] Dong, N., Wu, C.H., Ip, W.H., Chen, Z.Q., Chan, C.Y.�...