A novel approach for pupil center location is presented in the paper. It is based on the hypothesis that both of pupil centers are of symmetry about a�...
Abstract. A novel approach for pupil center location is presented in the paper. It is based on the hypothesis that both of pupil centers are of symmetry�...
Bibliographic details on An Approach for Pupil Center Location Using Facial Symmetry.
These methods are based on the circular Hough transform, ellipse fitting, Daugman's integro-differential operator and radial symmetry transform. The comparative�...
An integrated approach is proposed for face, eye detection, openness identification, and eye centre localization using Faster RCNN, AlexNet, and rectangular-�...
Nov 28, 2021The three‐dimensional (3D) symmetry reference plane (SRP) is the premise and basis of 3D facial symmetry analysis.
After getting the region of the pupil, a fast radial symmetry operator is used to locate the center of the pupil. Extensive experiments show that the method can�...
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This paper proposes a novel method for localizing the center of pupils. Given a face detected in an image, it first empirically initializes the eye regions�...
This technique is robust and accurately estimates pupil center with less than 40% of the pupil boundary points visible.
Aug 3, 2021This study aims to provide an automatic strabismus screening method for people who live in remote areas with poor medical accessibility.