Mar 1, 2004In this paper we describe O(n m)-time and O(n + m)-space algorithms for the recognition and the acyclic P4-transitive orientation problems on P�...
-comparability graph. We also described an algorithm to compute an acyclic P4-transitive orientation of a P4-comparability graph which runs in O(n + m2)�...
O(n m)-time and O(n + m)-space algorithms for the recognition and the acyclic P4-transitive orientation problems on P4-comparability graphs, which rely on�...
... algorithms for the recognition and the acyclic P4-transitive orientation problems on P4-comparability graphs. Instrumental in these algorithms are�...
Instrumental in these algorithms are structural relationships of the P 4-components of a graph, which we establish and which are interesting in their own right.
In this paper, we establish properties of P4-comparability graphs which allow us to describe parallel algorithms for the recognition and orientation problems on�...
Abstract. We consider two problems pertaining to P4-comparability graphs, namely, the problem of recognizing whether a simple undirected graph is a�...
Jun 24, 2009Our algorithms are simple, use simple data structures, and have the advantage over those of Raschle and Simon in that they are non-recursive,�...
Algorithms for P4-Comparability Graph Recognition and Acyclic P4-Transitive Orientation � Computer Science, Mathematics. Algorithmica � 2003.
We consider two problems pertaining to P4-comparability graphs, namely, the prob- lem of recognizing whether a simple undirected graph is a P4-comparability�...