This paper mainly focuses on routing in two-dimensional mesh networks. We propose a novel faulty block model, which is cracky rectangular block,�...
A novel faulty block model, which is cracky rectangular block, for fault-tolerant adaptive routing, and a distributed fault-Tolerant routing algorithm that�...
Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Routing in 2D Mesh with Cracky Rectangular Model. Yi Yang ; Meirun Chen ; Hao Li ; Lian Li. 《Journal of Applied Mathematics》 2014�...
We propose a novel faulty block model, which is cracky rectangular block, for fault-tolerant adaptive routing. All the faulty nodes and faulty links are�...
Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Routing in 2D Mesh with Cracky Rectangular Model ... An adaptive fault-tolerant wormhole routing algorithm for 2D meshes that can�...
This paper mainly focuses on routing in two-dimensional mesh networks. We propose a novel faulty block model, which is cracky rectangular block, for fault-�...
We present an adaptive fault-tolerant wormhole routing algorithm for 2D meshes. The main feature is that with the algorithm, a normal routing message,�...
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In order to avoid routing livelock and guarantee multiple terminals' satisfaction, network modeling and scheduling are investigated in "Adaptive fault-tolerant�...
DISCLAIMER. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor�...