Most of these descriptions take the form of processes where something "becomes" something else while maintaining more or less large amounts of self-identity�...
Jan 1, 1983Most philosophical ideas and systems can be regarded as purportedly veridical descriptions of the status quo of some particular aspect of�...
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Jun 13, 2024The relationship between AI and philosophy is a rich and multifaceted one that challenges our assumptions, opens up new avenues of inquiry, and forces us to�...
Jan 5, 2024Philosophy instructor Dr. Steve Wyre discusses the relationship between philosophy and artificial intelligence.
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Abstract: This paper reviews the historical development of AI and representative philosophical thinking from the perspective of the research paradigm.
Jun 10, 2024The AI Mirror: Reclaiming Our Humanity in an Age of Machine Thinking, published by Oxford University Press is available now.
Interaction between philosophy and artificial intelligence: The role of intuition and non-logical reasoning in intellignece (Cognitive science research reports).
Missing: novel | Show results with:novel
Sep 4, 2024This paper reviews the historical development of AI and representative philosophical thinking from the perspective of the research paradigm.
Mar 1, 2014Ted Chiang's The Lifecycle of Software Objects novella has an interesting take, focusing on lower than human level AI rather than the usual�...
Jan 11, 2019The prospect of genuine artificial intelligence has circulated in the popular consciousness since at least the advent of mainframe computers in the 1960s.