The accuracy and reliability of the non-rigid registration technique is improved by using an additional high-resolution gradient echo EPI scan. In-vivo�...
This work improves the previously developed distortion correction technique via a non-rigid registration of EPI to anatomical MRI is improved by adding�...
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In this paper we propose a hybrid field map guided constrained deformable registration approach and compare it to field map based and image based unwarping�...
Feb 20, 2017In this study, we compared reliability using two methods of unwarping: (1) nonlinear registration to a structural image using symmetric normalization (SyN)
Feb 21, 2017In this study, we compared reliability using two methods of unwarping: (1) nonlinear registration to a structural image using symmetric normalization (SyN)
A field map guided approach to non-rigid registration of brain EPI to structural MRI. Article. Mar 2007; Proceedings of SPIE. Ali Gholipour � Nasser�...
Register functional EPI images to the individual structural image and to standard space using the FEAT GUI. This includes fieldmap-based unwarping and the�...
2007. • Gholipour A., Kehtarnavaz N., Briggs R., Gopinath K., A field map guided approach to non-rigid registration of brain EPI to structural MRI, Proc.
This distortion correction process yields fMRI data that are geometrically similar to non-distorted structural images.
A field map guided approach to non-rigid registration of brain EPI to structural MRI � Engineering, Medicine. SPIE Medical Imaging � 2007.