Using our system, users in different places can author multimedia presentations in a unified spatiotemporal space while freely traversing the spatial domain and�...
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Abstract— We propose a collaborative authoring system for multimedia presentation. Our multimedia authoring system benefits greatly from a 3D spatio�...
Using our system, users in different places can author multimedia presentations in a unified spatiotemporal space while freely traversing the spatial domain and�...
We created a collaborative authoring system for multimedia presentation, which overcomes this inconvenience. The 3D spatio-temporal editor of our system�...
We created a collaborative authoring system for multimedia presentation, which overcomes this inconvenience. The 3D spatio-temporal editor of our system.
Our authoring system internally represents the edited multimedia presentation using a TRN. A TRN is composed of media objects and a set of temporal�...
TL;DR: A collaborative authoring system for multimedia presentation that is composed of an editing system, a media object manager and a collaboration�...
Abstract. We developed a SMIL-based collaborative multimedia authoring tool supporting a mechanism for conceptually representing.
In this paper, we propose a Java-based collaborative authoring system for multimedia presentation. Our system is composed of an Editing System, a Media�...
Nov 30, 2004We developed a SMIL-based collaborative multimedia authoring tool supporting a mechanism for conceptually representing the temporal�...