Oct 1, 2020Our work argues that existing benchmarks used for this task are mainly composed of trivial cases, in which referents can be identified with�...
Jul 27, 2022We propose a novel categorization for referring expressions (REs), i.e., linguistic expressions that allow the identification of an individual�...
When this expression unambiguously describes an object in the scene, it is named referring expression (RE). Our work argues that existing benchmarks used for�...
Our work argues that existing benchmarks used for this task are mainly composed of trivial cases, in which referents can be identified with simple phrases. Our�...
Abstract. The task of Language-guided Video Object Segmentation (LVOS) aims at generating binary masks for an object referred by a linguistic expression.
Abstract Most semi-supervised video object segmentation methods rely on a pixel-accurate mask of a target object provided for the first video frame. How-.
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A list of referring video object segmentation papers - Tavarich/Awesome-Referring-Video-Object-Segmentation.
The task aims at labeling the pixels of an image or video that represent an object instance referred by a linguistic expression.
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Mar 21, 2018However, obtaining a detailed segmentation mask is expensive and time-consuming. In this work we explore an alternative way of identifying a�...
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... video object segmentation presented in the work: RefVOS: A Closer Look At Referring Expressions for Video Object Segmentation. We also provide category�...