The multi-phase visual concept detection strategy is applied to associate the text with the corresponding web images. Then, a re-ranking algorithm attempts to�...
Abstract. Can you imagine that two people who have different native languages and cannot understand other's language are able to communicate with each other�...
Differing from the online instant message tools such as MSN, Google talk and ICQ, which are mostly based on textual information, the visualized communication�...
A visualized communication system using cross-media semantic association ... In this paper, a visualized communication system is designed to ... 1. Metrics.
May 6, 2024View a PDF of the paper titled Visual Language Model based Cross-modal Semantic Communication Systems, by Feibo Jiang and 5 other authors.
Missing: Association. | Show results with:Association.
Mar 25, 2019ABSTRACT The gap between the raw data from various data sources and the diverse intelligent applications has been an obstacle in the field�...
Most existing analysis systems focus on data from a certain single online social network platform and a limited range of analysis applications. To�...
... A visualized communication system using cross-media semantic association. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Advances in Multimedia�...
1. We propose a novel method, Weakly Aligned Structured. Embedding (WASE), that encodes structured representations of semantic information from textual and�...
This work investigates the importance of visual context clues by comparing transcripts of multimedia clips with their corresponding written transcripts,�...