It is empirically observed that the winning ticket networks preserve the Ramanujan graph property and achieve a high accuracy even when the layers are sparse.
Ramanujan graphs are robust expanders which lead to sparse but highly-connected networks, and thus aid in studying the winning tickets. A feed- forward neural�...
All the graphs have the same degree. 2. The number of vertices goes to infinity. 3. There exists a positive lower bound ϵ such that the expansion constant�...
It is empirically observed that the winning ticket networks preserve the Ramanujan graph property and achieve a high accuracy even when the layers are sparse.
Jan 28, 2022Response: The primary contribution of the paper is the empirical demonstration that winning tickets often satisfy the Ramanujan graph property.
Jul 19, 2022Professional recording and live streaming, delivered globally. Learn more. Sharing.
Mar 7, 2024The validity of LTH has been studied based on Ramanujan graph properties in terms of certain spectral bounds (Pal et al., 2022) . Accordingly, a�...
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A study on the ramanujan graph property of winning lottery tickets B Pal, A Biswas, S Kolay, P Mitra, B Basu International Conference on Machine Learning
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