To arrive at the level of building a system from these functionalities, it is considered essential to provide a framework that coordinates the components. Two�...
The proposed system is demonstrated in a context-oriented system for activity interpretation involving functionalities such as tracking, object and gesture�...
In this paper a human-like object recognition system is built and three hypothesizes are proposed which based on cognitive psychology. This system aims to�...
Abstract. Handling complex tasks with increasing levels of autonomy requires robotic systems to incorporate a large number of different func-.
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Zillich, M., Ponweiser, W., & Vincze, M. (2011). A Software Integration Framework for Cognitive Systems. In Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods,�...
This item was automatically migrated from a legacy system. It's data has not been checked and might not meet the quality criteria of the present system. DC�...
We have developed an integration platform and rapid application development framework that is flexible and allows the management of heterogeneous subsystems.
Cognitive Vision Systems (CVSys) are systems that combine computer vision with reasoning and semantic interpretation components to achieve high-level tasks.
The objective of the present paper is to suggest a research framework and roadmap to bring more maturity to CASE tools in order for them to be cognitive.
CLIC: A Framework for Distributed, On-‐Demand,. Human-‐Machine Cognitive Systems. N. Mavridis (1), S. Konstantopoulos (1), I. Vetsikas (1),.