Abstract. Description logics (DLs) are a well-understood family of knowledge representation (KR) languages. The notation of DLs has the flavour of a�...
In this paper, a diagrammatic representation of the DL ALC, based on Peirce's existential graphs, is presented, and a set of transformation rules on these�...
A peirce-style calculus for ALC ; Location. Coeur d'Al�ne, Idaho, USA ; Start date. 2007-09-23 ; End date. 2007-09-23 ; ISSN. 1613-0073 ; Publication classification.
In this paper, a diagrammatic representation of the DL ALC, based on Peirce's existential graphs, is presented, and a set of transformation rules on these�...
to illustrate the Peirce-style calculus for ALC. Each rule of the calculus is basically the substitution of a subtree of a given. ALC-tree by another subtree.
The calculus acts on labeled trees, but can be best understood as a diagrammatic calculus whose rules modify the Peircean-style representation of ALC.
The calculus acts on labeled trees, but can be best understood as a diagrammatic calculus whose rules modify the Peircean-style representation of ALC.
It is shown that the erasure-rule of Peirce's calculus, which is the only rule which does not enjoy the finite choice property, is admissible and this�...
Figure 2: Three Peirce graphs with ligatures which traverse cuts � A peirce-style calculus for ALC. Conference Paper. Full-text available. Jan 2007.
In this paper a diagrammatic representation of the DL A L C – based on Peirce's existential graphs – is presented and a set of transformation rules on these�...