We illustrate how a domain scientist can perform a complex scientific task by interleaving data access, querying, and manipulation, as well as analytical�...
The Scientific Data Management Center project. (short: SDM) is part of a large research program sponsored by the US Department of Energy (DOE).
Fuzzy Petri Net for Web Service Composition (FPN4WSC) aims to compose the individual web services into more complex one. It is a workflow model which is�...
A Modeling and Execution Environment for Distributed ScientificWorkflows∗Ilkay Altintas Sangeeta Bhagwanani+ David Buttler∗Sandeep Chandra+ Zhengang�...
This demonstration illustrates how a domain scientist can perform a complex scientific task by interleaving data access, querying, and manipulation, as well as�...
We illustrate how a domain scientist can perform a complex scientific task by interleaving data access, querying, and manipulation, as well as analytical�...
Dive into the research topics of 'A modeling and execution environment for distributed scientific workflows'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Sort�...
... A modeling and execution environment for distributed scientific workflows. Altintas I., Bhagwanani S., Buttler D., Chandra S., Zhengang Cheng, Coleman M.A.�...
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, A modeling and execution environment for distributed scientific workflows. ; IEEE Computer Society Staff Corporate Author ;. , ISBN: 0-7695-1964-4; DOI�...