Abstract. The aim of this paper is to present the work pursued by the. IXA group in the DIANN-Ibereval 2018 task. The task consists of iden-.
A pipeline combining a Recurrent Neural Network used for sequence to sequence tagging with simple rules to boost the coverage achieves the best task F-score�...
A hybrid approach for automatic disability annotation ; ISSN � 1613-0073 ; Year of publication � 2018 ; Volume � 2150 ; Pages � 31-36 ; Type � Conference paper.
Arantza Casillas Arantza D�az de Ilarraza Nerea Ezeiza Maite Oronoz Alicia P�rez Olatz Perez-de-Vi�aspre. A Hybrid Approach For Automatic Disability Annotation.
Jun 26, 2023A hybrid approach for automatic disability annotation. In: Proceedings of the third workshop on evaluation of human language technologies�...
A Hybrid Approach For Automatic Disability Annotation � GPLSIUA Team at the DIAAN 2018 Task � Simple Language Independent Sequence Labelling for the Annotation of�...
DIANN izeneko atazaren helburua biomedikuntzako ikerketako testuetan ezintasunak automatikoki detektatzean datza (adibidez, "ikusmenaren galera",�...
Automatic Misogyny Identification Using Neural Networks. I Goenaga, A ... A Hybrid Approach For Automatic Disability Annotation. I Goenaga, A Atutxa�...
Abstract. The DIANN task consists of the detection of disabilities in. English and Spanish texts, as well as the detection of negated disabilities.
A hybrid approach for automatic de-identification of psychiatric notes is proposed. � The rule-based components exploit the structure of the psychiatric notes.
Missing: Disability | Show results with:Disability