This paper proposes a novel quantum secure chameleon signature scheme based on hash functions. As a hash-based cryptosystem is an essential candidate of a post�...
Dec 10, 2021It is a non-interactive signature scheme that simultaneously provides the properties of non-transferability and non-repudiation. The chameleon�...
Dec 1, 2021Hence, this paper proposes a novel quantum secure chameleon signature scheme based on hash functions. As a hash-based cryptosystem is an�...
As it is built on a collision resistant one-way hash function and a pseudo random generator, they claim that the scheme is secured against quantum computers.
Dec 9, 2019We propose a quantum resistant chameleon hashing and signature scheme based on hard problems in coding theory.
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This paper proposes the first key-exposure free chameleon hash and signature scheme based on discrete logarithm systems, without using the gap DiffileHellman�...
May 29, 2023Security of post-quantum cryptosystems rely on different, hard mathematical problems that are resistant to being solved by a large-scale quantum�...
May 11, 2022This paper presents a hash-based multi-time designated verifier signature scheme that ensures signer anonymity.
A hash-based quantum-resistant chameleon signature scheme. P Thanalakshmi, R Anitha, N Anbazhagan, W Cho, GP Joshi, E Yang. Sensors 21 (24), 8417, 2021. 8, 2021.
Chameleon hash functions are collision resistant when only the hashing keys of the functions are known. In particular, without the knowledge of the secret�...