Feb 13, 2023We develop a novel graphical point process framework to study the direct conversion effects and the full relational structure among numerous types of�...
This work develops a novel graphical point process framework to study the direct conversion effects and the full relational structure among numerous types�...
We aim to tackle the attribution problem with finer granularity by conducting attribution at the path level. To this end, we develop a novel graphical point�...
A Graphical Point Process Framework for Understanding Removal Effects in Multi-Touch Attribution. (arXiv, ssrn) Management Science, in press. Zheng, Z., Gao�...
A Graphical Point Process Framework for Understanding Removal Effects in Multi-Touch Attribution � no code implementations • 13 Feb 2023 • Jun Tao, Qian Chen�...
A Graphical Point Process Framework for Understanding Removal Effects in Multi-Touch Attribution. J Tao, Q Chen, JW Snyder Jr, AS Kumar, A Meisami, L Xue.
Our proposed attribution methods consider the attribution score as the removal effect, and we use the rigorous probabilistic definition to derive two types of�...
A Graphical Point Process Framework for Understanding Removal Effects in Multi-Touch Attribution. J Tao, Q Chen, JW Snyder Jr, AS Kumar, A Meisami, L Xue.
A Graphical Point Process Framework for Understanding Removal Effects in Multi-Touch Attribution � Published: 31 Dec 2022, Last Modified: 01 Oct 2024 � CoRR 2023�...
Feb 13, 2023A Graphical Point Process Framework for Understanding Removal. Effects in Multi-Touch Attribution. Jun Tao1,2, Qian Chen1, James W. Snyder Jr�...