This paper studies multiple-link adaptive bandwidth provisioning for end-to-end statistical QoS guarantee in bandwidth sharing networks with Generalized�...
This paper studies multiple-link adaptive bandwidth provisioning for end-to-end statistical QoS guarantee in bandwidth sharing networks with Generalized�...
974-997, May 1998. [24] H. Wang, C. Huang, and J. Yan. "A Feedback Control. Model for Multiple-Link Adaptive Bandwidth. Provisioning Systems", IEEE ICC 2006.
"A Feedback Control Model for Multiple-Link Adaptive Bandwidth Provisioning Systems", IEEE ICC 2006. RELATED PAPERS. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
A feedback control model for end-to-end multiple-link adaptive bandwidth provisioning systems is presented. This model is verified by simulations, and it is�...
A feedback control model for multiple-link adaptive bandwidth provisioning systems. Wang, Hao;Huang, Changcheng;Yan, James. CONFERENCE�...
This paper proposes QoS-aware provisioning schemes that combine the use of the Gaussian traffic model, traffic measurements, and traffic predictions and�...
We develop novel adaptive provisioning schemes whose features are based on traffic measurements, the Gaussian traffic model, and appropriate traffic predictors.
The paper proposes an adaptive bandwidth control algorithm that efficiently provides an aggregate loss guarantee to resolve the problem of inefficient�...
Abstract—. This paper proposes an adaptive fuzzy bandwidth controller that efficiently provides aggregate QoS to address the problem.