In this paper, I present an explicit analysis of association with focus in Japanese. The proposed formal analysis, basically couched in Rooth's (1985)�...
A Constraint-Based Analysis of Association with. Focus in Japanese. Yusuke Kubota. University of Tokyo PACLIC 17. October 1, 2003.
In this paper, I present an explicit analysis of association with focus in Japanese. The proposed formal analysis, basically couched in Rooth's (1985)�...
This paper analyzes patterns of prosodic prominence and intonational phrasing of narrowly focused words in a variety of Northern Bizkaian Basque. One type.
A Constraint-Based Analysis of Association with Focus in Japanese. January 1970. Yusuke Kubota. In this paper, I present an explicit analysis of association�...
(2003) A constraint-based analysis of association with focus in Japanese. In D. H. Ji and K. T. Lua, eds., Proceedings of the 17th Pacific Asia Conference�...
The closeness constraint on focus association and the syntax of Q-particles. Muyi Yang∗. Abstract. While in some languages focus association at a distance�...
This paper revisits empirical and theoretical problems of focus prosody in Japanese, and proposes a new analysis.
specified as focus, and the values of IARG1 and IARG2 are both co-indexed with the verb's INDEX. This means that the A-NOT-A structure is associated with focus.
This paper analyzes patterns of prosodic prominence and intonational phrasing of narrowly focused words in a variety of Northern Bizkaian Basque.